"Let every individual and institution now think and act as a responsible trustee of Earth, seeking choices in ecology, economics and ethics that will provide a sustainable future, eliminate pollution, poverty and violence, awaken the wonder of life and foster peaceful progress in the human adventure."
- John McConnell, founder of International Earth Day

RIGHT NOW, and then again tomorrow and then again the next day and on it goes day after day,
1/2 OF THE WORLD lives on LESS THAN 2 DOLLARS each day.

Psalm 27:4
One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
Do all you can and don't worry about the odds against you. Wield the miracle of life's energy, never worrying whether we fail, concerned only that whether we fail or succeed we do so with all our might. That's all we need to know to feel certain that all our force of diligent effort is worth our while on Earth.
Carl Safina, Voyage of the Turtle

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Cheer, Dogs and Basketball

 Photo Opps with the dogs

 Tuki and Ve after their Christmas Concerts yesterday
 Mim at her game last night
Mim aggressively guarding (sorry for the dark photo)

We are busy weekly with basketball practices (Mim (every night) and Ve (2 times weekly)), basketball games (2 times weekly), skating practices (1 times weekly), school work and meetings. I will be taking a little break since my surgery will be this Tuesday and I will be out from school until the 7th or so of January, depending on how well I recover. In addition my next admin class does not start until Jan 25th, so close to 7 weeks of break from classes.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Post of photos

 Funeral photos: Kent's 3 kids and 2 grandkids
 my brother Jeff, his wife and daughter
 my cousin Tas and her husband
 The girl's trick or treating
 Thanksgiving: the trio putting on their concert in the dress-up clothes...still the most favorite toy-dress up clothes
 celebrating Tuki's 7th birthday
 and N's 8th birthday
 the girl's with their birthday cake
another shot of their singing

Friday, November 16, 2012

My eldest brother Kent passed away Tuesday November 13, 2012

 Above: When we were wee ones, youngest sis hasn't been born yet. Below: all of us with Santa
Kent with his 3 nieces 4 years ago. He was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy this past January.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Wow, where has October gone? I have many photos to upload and sometime soon I will do that. It has been a busy month with school, admin classes, the girls' sports, attending a conference and winterizing the yard and animals every chance we get. Immediately following October, on Thursday Nov 1st I interviewed for a Summer School Coordinator Position, naturally interviewed poorly, it was first in a very long time so I was really nervous. Hopefully now that I have one interview down for administration jobs, I will be more relaxed, especially since there will be more posted in December.

I had a student teacher the first quarter and now he has moved onto his high school experience, so in some ways things will get busier at school and in some ways quieter. I will be teaching for about 5 weeks and on December 18, I am scheduled for another surgery. I will be out of school for 3 weeks (one will be Christmas break) and then start up again, but probably dead tired for awhile.

Mim and Ve will be starting basketball in November and both programs will run until next March. Tuki will continue with the skating since she is still too young to join any formal BB team.

Tuki and Ve's birthdays are coming up in the next two months and Mim's 3 years home celebration will be this Monday, Nov 5th. This year has been a much better year with her than last year. I think all the pieces are finally falling into place and she is maturing.

We are hosting the family Thanksgiving this year since our usual holiday is Christmas and I will be moving very slow at that time.

Other than that all is well around here, busy as always during the school year, but we become use to the craziness that occurs during the 9 months of school.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Today Tuki at Cheer Camp

While the rest of us stayed home and pulled everything ripe (again) except the peppers and beans (they are still going strong despite the cold weather) from the garden. Even though we are over the brim with food, which makes us all very happy, I will be even more excited once the garden harvest is done for a while (until next spring and then I will be rearing to go again)...
 Tuki and the College Cheer Facilitators and the other participants. Of my 3 girls she is the only one who desire to be a cheerleader....
 All the girls who wanted to be tossed over backwards were allowed to, and of course Tuki went for it
 Held up on the shoulders of 2 college kids (sorry for the bad picture)
 total so far: 39 butternut squash
We ended up picking 52 pumpkins from the garden (both kinds) unfortunately not all of them turned orange, but that is ok, all of the jack-o-lanterns will eventually be fed to the chickens and the pie pumpkins we will eat, and we picked over 20 orange pie pumpkins...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Jack-o-Lanterns and Anticipation for Fall

 8 jacks so far, about 5 -6 more need to turn orange...fall picture in front of the cornstalks

 Puddin Tane, the world's smallest Serama Rooster on our biggest jack we grew this year
 Close up of the smallest and biggest :)
wide view

we checked out 4 different farms/homes with acres this weekend......someday soon!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

More Harvest

Last night we had a freeze with frost on the ground in the am, so we harvested what is currently ripe, and I am hoping that the plants will survive tonight since it is to be even colder.

 We picked 14 pie pumpkins (at least 4 or 5 more in the garden), 6 spaghetti squash (at least 20 more in the garden) and 18 butternut squash (at least that many more in the garden).
 we picked all the green tomotoes to ripen indoors
and the last of the cabbage and now have 10 bags of freezer slaw ready for the winter

we also picked 4 quarts worth of green beans and canned some dilly beans (first time trying them) and we filled a Tupperware bowl of  green and yellow peppers and froze 7 cups of them. I am cooking 4 pumpkins so I can make pumpkin bread tomorrow. Plus we are roasting pumpkin seeds tonight.

We still need to harvest the rest that I mentioned above, plus the jack-o-lantern pumpkins, carrots and continue with the beans and peppers.

There was a question posed on my comment section as to how long does it take us to harvest and process the garden produce. The longest is maybe a six hour day but rarely that long. Today, it took us 5 hours, harvest to preserve what I mentioned above. It takes a little longer when I am using new recipes, but I have my bean canning down to less than hour from nipping, cutting, washing and canning. It gets easier the more I do it and the girls are a HUGE help and I like the chore aspect of the garden. All four of use work together and we get it done fast.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

School has started

 Morning of the first day for my 9th grader, 1st grader and 3rd grader.....
Closer picture...boy the girls have grown a lot in this past year!!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer & Garden Stats

 This little guy, Puddin Tane, (from a Far Side comic) maybe 6" tall at 5 months is the smallest Serama I have ever seen, he is near an Easter Egger, Margo, (the type that lays blue and green eggs) and notice he is standing on a 1' ledge and still shorter than Margo.
 Matilda, our Muscovy. She was given to us because she had a broken leg and it is healing nicely. Fern, the Sicilian Buttercup (double combs) is standing behind her.
 Green pumpkins growing from our garden fence
 orange pumpkins hanging from the fence.
 Huge pumpkins on the ground. I don't think we will have a full understanding just how many pumpkins we have until pickin time...We planted jack-o-lantern pumpkins and pie pumpkins. Our extra jack o lanterns will be given to the poultry to eat on all winter...it is a natural dewormer...
 red cabbage just about ready to harvest
 Our Hot peppers have been VERY prolific
 We also are growing yellow and green peppers. The plants are loaded with various sizes right now so we will have many to freeze
 Lots and lots of Spaghetti sqaush.
Our first time growing Turks Turban, this one I picked today and there are two more on the vine in various stages of growth. Peppers from our garden.

I have a goal of becoming relatively self sufficient...food wise
So far this summer I have preserved either through hot bath or pressure cooker canning or freezing:
20+ quarts of Spaghetti Sauce
14 quarts of Salsa
11 Quarts of Pizza Sauce
32 quarts of Yellow and Green Beans (more to come plus I will can some Dilly Beans)
16 pints of pickled summer sqaush (we love these)
Two gallon bags of frozen Broccoli
40 loaves of fruit bread (more to come)
Started freezing tomatoes, I will continue this until our tomatoes are done, but they are starting to flower again and there is about six more weeks of growing season so who knows how many bags I will get
Started freezing and shredding the extra summer squash
Froze 3 gallon bags of swiss chard
Froze 48 cups of corn
Three gallon bags of hot peppers

I plan to freeze and keep fresh all the squash(spaghetti, turken, turban and butternut) and pie pumpkins. This will be our carbs. I plan to not buy anymore pasta or potatoes in the house. I am hoping to start to make our own bread, so the only food items I hope to need to purchase are dairy products and flour baking items) etc.,  For protein, milk, beef (from a local farmer), and of course eggs.

So we still have to harvest:
four types of squash
lingering cucumbers
carrots    and

Mucho butternut squash...which we all fell in love with last year.

Once again I am happy for a quiet fall......

Saturday, September 1, 2012

School Stats

 Tuki and her 1st grade teacher, exactly the one she wanted
Ve and her 3rd grade teacher, she didn't care who the teacher was, just as long as she had friends in her class and she did

so all is well in Elementaryville.

As for their doctor visits;
Mim is 5' 3 1/4" tall
Ve is 4' 6" tall
Tuki is 4' 1/4' tall

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer is over, Fall is around the corner

@ I start back to 8 hour days on Monday...I have been going to school almost every week this summer in getting my room ready and shadowing my Assist. Principal during summer school to gain admin experience...but I have been able to go home as soon as I became tired, that will end starting tomorrow.

@ the school supplies had been purchased

@ the garden is maybe half done for processing

@ I am feeling much stronger, yet get tired quicker than I'd like

@ and hopefully Mim and I have a better understanding of each other

this Fall season will be quiet in comparison to other Fall seasons.

Mim is not participating in cross country running or basketball (as of now anyway) to take a break and to see if the past sports is what she really wants to do, so she will be more involved with our church's youth group in hopes she will find a better friendship circle than she had last year and maybe a non-sporting extracurricular or two at school.

Ve and Tuki will be skating again starting in September as well, so besides work everyday (of which I will be exhausted for a while due to healing from the surgeries), taking one administration class and continue preserving the produce from our garden, I think we will have a relatively quiet fall....I hope!!!!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

July was a blur, August is a little clearer

Due to my surgeries (late June, early July) July was a foggy fatigue induced blur, but due to the help of my lovely daughters, friends and family we are doing pretty well. The girls activities were many this summer,

home school summer school
2 months of softball
Youth in College
Camp Invention
One month of swimming lessons
home school summer school
2 months of softball
Camp Invention
one month of swimming lessons
home school summer school
2 months of softball
One month swimming lessons
babysitting and lawn cutting jobs for the neighbors

Since August we have attended a Victoria Justice Concert, camping nearby the last few days and maybe visit a local large zoo next week. We have been taking weekly visits to my doctors for check-ups thus we have been trying to make each visit a little fun too.

 Victoria Justice concert
 Her opening act was Max Schneider from the movie "Rags"
 The happy girls (we attended one of the few days it actually rained this summer)...go figure :)
 Tomatoes galore, we need to pick just as they are turning red since the chipmunks also love tomatoes. We have been able to keep the deer out, but lost our corn to the raccoons and the cucumbers really had a bad year...all around it seems . Everyone around here says cucumbers didn't fair well, otherwise our garden has been and still is going strong.
 little canning going on every day...I actually am using a pressure cooker this year for the beans..something new for me.
 this is what our counter looks like daily, the chickens never did slow down in egg production....
 the garden...right side of photo is where the cucumbers are still holding on, but no real show
 other parts of the garden...we water two hours nightly due to the drought we are in.
 the wee ones at camp invention
 Ve's  balloon popping invention
Tuki's balloon pumping invention

My Travels