of the highlights in my personal life, I won't even address the changes in my professional life..
- Phase 1 remodel of the first floor of my house
- Summited Grand Teton
- Finished my first Master's degree in 1-1/2 years
- ACL Surgery on my left knee
- Phase 2 - remodel - addition of a second floor on to my house
- TMJ Surgery of my left jaw
- The start and finish of three adoption processes
- Mom to three wonderful girls all happen within a 3 - 4 year time span
-plantar faciitis in both of feet thus resulting in less exercise and a ton of weight gain
-diagnosis of hypothyroidism..more weight gain and hard to lose weight
-Biopsy and diagnosis of LCIS in my right breast-still working through the murky waters as to what I intend to do to prevent what the LCIS diagnosis may mean for the future
-Started my second Master's Degree, hope to finish in 2 years
- Started a mini farm and learned to can and preserve on my small acreage in town
I realized this yesterday as I was driving to the second day of my class and the girls were at my friend Pam's home. I was thinking of how my life feels so busy and even though I am generally really happy, I also feel exhausted, mentally that is, of all the items on my agenda on a daily basis. My mind started wandering on the drive, and I saw clearly the last 8 years of my life....no wonder I am mentally exhausted.
I have so many goals in my life, I have never been in want of the next one, but now I feel I'd really like to find myself in a more relaxing, stress free job as I near retirement age...which for me won't probably hit until I am about 67 years old...that is 19 years away....I need to slow it down, maybe after I am hired for a principal job, maybe....
The report cards are in for all three girls, in summary
Mim is doing great but still at a 1st grade comprehension reading level due to her ESL, she excels in math earning an A without any accommodations. The classes with a lot of language seem to cause her the most trouble but she is still able to earn B's in them with some accommodations.
Ve is improving, but the teacher notes as I do that she wastes times before she gets going on her work, and puts in the minimal effort and won't do any work at home or school beyond what she is directly told to do.
Tuki is excelling, those are the words the teachers use to describe her behavior and effort, advanced to excellent. She pushes herself constantly, but I always knew she had this trait since forever.....She doesn't allow her teachers to view her stubborn side, as she saves it for home..lucky us!! :)
- John McConnell, founder of International Earth Day
1/2 OF THE WORLD lives on LESS THAN 2 DOLLARS each day.
One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
Carl Safina, Voyage of the Turtle
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Summary of my last 8 years
Posted by
Aves @ Call of the Phoebe
11:19 AM
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Not much to post
we are busy with school
busy with my classes starting again
found out this Sunday that my church is sending a mission's team to Haiti in May...yeah I have been praying and speaking to others about this at church for a while
we now have snow but the temps have been relatively mild considering that it is winter
that is all
Posted by
Aves @ Call of the Phoebe
5:23 PM
Saturday, January 7, 2012
We are back in school
the weather is AWESOME!!!! As I always thought, cold weather really wears and tears on a person's emotional state ....it is already staying light longer at night!!!
I am at peace
Chickens are picking up in their rate of laying again....more egg sales!!
I have been able to increase my morning workout from 55 minutes to 7o minutes since I no longer have early morning hall duty...ie I can arrive 20 minutes later yet still way earlier than I need to
(it is a thing with me, I need to arrive early for work..call it a sickness)
I am starting the energy unit (funded by the grant last year) with my advanced class...way excited to see how it turns out!!
Girls are settling in with the routine
Mim DOES NOT have any athletic practice for nearly 3 months (a consequence), so soooooo much less running on the week nights, and Saturdays are WIDE open except for admin classes, but they won't be starting for a few more weeks
Posted by
Aves @ Call of the Phoebe
7:57 AM
Monday, January 2, 2012
New Years
and I am already feeling calmer....
is it the relaxing, fun and entertaining 11 days we just had off,
is it the anticipation of a year that just has to be better than last year
is it knowing that I am taking charge and slowly advancing my future employment
is it that Mim has been AWESOME this whole break and ever since we had a heart to heart talk and me putting down a major consequence that will stay in place until I see an attitude change
or is it that my attitude is taking a swing upward toward the Pollyanna stance once again
I don't know for sure but I am sure hopeful, and I am wishing others this hopeful good feeling as well.
Posted by
Aves @ Call of the Phoebe
3:13 PM