"Let every individual and institution now think and act as a responsible trustee of Earth, seeking choices in ecology, economics and ethics that will provide a sustainable future, eliminate pollution, poverty and violence, awaken the wonder of life and foster peaceful progress in the human adventure."
- John McConnell, founder of International Earth Day

RIGHT NOW, and then again tomorrow and then again the next day and on it goes day after day,
1/2 OF THE WORLD lives on LESS THAN 2 DOLLARS each day.

Psalm 27:4
One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
Do all you can and don't worry about the odds against you. Wield the miracle of life's energy, never worrying whether we fail, concerned only that whether we fail or succeed we do so with all our might. That's all we need to know to feel certain that all our force of diligent effort is worth our while on Earth.
Carl Safina, Voyage of the Turtle

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mim home 1 month and Cousin C's wedding

This was a big weekend. First it marks the one-month mark for Mim's homecoming. She is still doing very well. Yes, at times she acts like a normal child and has her moods, especially morning. She does not like getting up early and I have come to accept that I should not judge how she is doing or how she feels about the changes based on her morning mood. She is a great big sister, and the three girls are starting to form a cute 3-way bond.

Then there is this issue about Cousin C's wedding. The girls have been anticipating it for a LONNNNGGGG time. The anticipation of wearing their new dresses and dancing almost made the wait almost unbearable. The girls had a REAL good time. Now, the many pictures from the special day.

all dressed up and ready to party

in church before the ceremony. They all did great during the wedding vows. VERY proud of them. We sat with with cousin E and Grandma J.

Cousin L, Long time friend of the family J, Aunt D, Uncle JS

Cousin N & Tuki, after the ceremony

Uncle JS dancing with Tuks while we waited for pictures

Uncle JG goofing around with Ve.

One of the attempts of a family Christmas photo, not easy with 3 kidlets and a Mama that feels too heavy, so I HATE all my pictures. LOL

The whole family along with the bride and groom

Lovely Mim

Beautiful Ve

Dancing Diva Tuki

Once the music started Mim and Tuki were on the dance floor literally almost non-stop for 3 + hours

Mim and Ve

Aunt D dancing with Ve

Another attempt at a Christmas photo

Dancing Diva

Jammin' Mim

Uncle W and son Groom C

Mama and Mim

Uncle JS, Aunt D dancing with Tuki

Exhausted Mim, but she wouldn't quit dancing......

Ve all tuckered out on j and Grandma's lap. Ve took a little convincing to get on the dance floor, but then she danced hard, and then konked. I have realized that Ve goes all out, until she drops and then she is done for the night...

Morning after (this morning) at breakfast, Uncle JS, D and their daughter E.

After breakfast, I took the girls swimming before we left the hotel.

beautiful Ve...again

My incredible gifts that brings me a whole range of emotions, of course mostly joy and love....


veggiemom said...

Great pics! You know it's a good party when you have to take your shoes off to keep dancing. :-)

Steph, G's Mom said...

aw! wow they look awesome! Mim is SO tall and lovely (or is it an optical illusion how tal she looks?)

i think you have your christmas photo right there, if you want one of just the girls, that last one is fabulous, in the spa!

:) congrats cindy!

Jane said...

I agree. The picture of all 4 is great! But I love the pool pic, too! Looks like you guys had a great weekend.

Leslie said...

Oh, what sweet pictures of your lovely girls! Congratulations on one month together!!

Janet said...

The girls all look so beautiful!

My Travels